Youth and Young Adults

Assessment of Barriers, Wants, and Needs

This survey is intended for youth and young adults between the ages of 16 - 29.
1.County you live in:
2.If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or depressed, who do you talk to?
3.Think about your life, what makes you stressed out the most?
4.When you think about your interactions with family or friends, when was the last time that you feel like someone asked you how you were or how you were feeling? Like, really asked how you were honestly doing?
5.If you are feeling depressed or anxious, do you have a support person in your life that you can talk to?
6.If your school offered more services and resources for counseling and group conversations, how likely would you be to use them? If you are not in school, how likely would you be to attend a support group run by your peers?
7.Do you think teachers or other school employees understand the mental health needs of their students?
8.How many hours do you spend on social media daily?
9.If a friend was suffering from a mental health crisis such as anxiety, depression, or suicide - who would you talk to about it?
10.Do you feel that there is stigma associated with having a mental health illness or seeking help for a mental health illness?
11.How likely are you to ask for help for yourself if you ever happen to be in a crisis situation?
12.Do you feel that there are sufficient and easily available resources in your area for your wants and needs to be met?
13.How likely are you to disclose your inner state (how you feel) to the resources that are available?
14.Do any of the following potentially prevent you from seeking services due to lack of trust?
15.Are you hopeful for your future?
16.I take the time to get to know other people, make meaningful relationships, and build social networks within my community?
17.Do you feel your wants and needs are being met?
18.What do you feel is the biggest barrier to overcome in your county in regards to mental health?
Current Progress,
0 of 18 answered