The Maricopa Association of Governments’ Continuum of Care (MAG CoC) seeks to create a Youth Advisory Council to elevate youth voice in program creation and implementation and service delivery. This Youth Advisory Council will provide leadership and feedback on what programs are needed in Maricopa County and will assist in the goal of applying for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program grant in 2023. Being a member of the Youth Advisory Council is your opportunity to make significant impact in how Maricopa County provides support to youth and young adults experiencing homelessness
The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a group of youth leaders age 18-24 living in Maricopa County, centering youth and young adults who have experienced homelessness/unstable housing during the course of their lives. The goal of the YAC is to inform the Maricopa Association of Governments’ Continuum of Care on how to implement and improve services for youth experiencing homelessness or housing instability. Council members receive a consulting fee of $25 an hour for their work.
The Youth Advisory Council is seeking applicants that identify as part of the most overrepresented populations of youth who experience homelessness. These include but are not limited to those who identify as LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, are or have been justice involved, victims of trafficking, unaccompanied youth, immigrants, students experiencing homelessness, and pregnant and parenting. Council members should have lived experience of homelessness or housing instability within the last 5 years.