SEAI Energy Awards - Young Energy Champion

1.School Name
2.Contact - Firstname
3.Contact - Surname
4.Contact E-mail address
5.Phone Number
6.Guardian/Nominee Firstname
7.Guardian/Nominee Surname
8.Guardian Phone Number
9.Guardian E-mail address
10.Sustainability: Tell us about your/their interest in sustainability energy. How and why did you/they get involved? What sparked your/their interest in energy efficiency? How long have you/they been passionate about the environment?
11.Activism: Tell us how you/they encouraged and supported energy efficiency. How have you/they supported climate action in your school / community?
12.If you are successful in the Awards process what name would you like on the Certificate?
*Note* Please send any photos/videos to support your application directly to If you are under 18 years, please ensure you get parental / guardian permission to share images and video content.