Thank you!  We appreciate your willingness to answer a few questions to help us continually improve our products and services.

This survey should take just a few minutes to complete.

Please have your recent order number available if convenient.

Question Title

* During the initial order process, how would you rate the quality of your contact with Sales?

Question Title

* Throughout the order fulfillment process did we effectively communicate and keep you informed as to your order status or changes?

Question Title

* Please rate the timeliness of order fulfillment

Question Title

* How would you rate the value you received in this order?

Question Title

* Overall, how do you think Yokogawa compares to other providers of similar products and services?

Question Title

* How likely is it that you would recommend Yokogawa to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Almost done! 
In this next section, please tell us a little about yourself and your order.

Question Title

* First Name

Question Title

* Last Name

Question Title

* What is the name of the Company where you work?

Question Title

* What is your work email address?

Please enter as much of the following information as possible:

Question Title

* Yokogawa Order Number:

Question Title

* Your Purchase Order Number:

Question Title

* What product(s) did you purchase?

Question Title

* Do you have additional feedback?  We appreciate your comments, questions, and concerns.

Question Title

* May we quote your comments?  Occasionally we will use customer comments in our internal newsletters, training materials, or in marketing materials such as editorial features or advertisements.

Question Title

* If yes, please let us know how you would like your name and company displayed, or if you prefer to remain anonymous.