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* 1. Name and/or Badge ID Number:

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* 2. Professional Situation:

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* 3. Areas of interest:

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* 4. How did you rate the course content?

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* 5. SECTION 1: Ocular Surface Disease: What Worked and What Did Not
How would you rate the presentation of each presenter?

  Excellent Good Average Poor
M. Labetoulle: Efficacy and pitfalls of diagnostic methods of viral diseases of the ocular surface
A. McElvanney: Sudden onset of uniocular cicatrisation associated with a skin rash
E. Mrukwa-Kominek: New generation eye drops with cyclosporin A in the treatment of severe dry eye syndrome: case report
P. Antonopoulou: 
Dramatic resolution of acne rosacea and secondary ocular surface disease after a 14 day course of azithromycin 1.5% eye drops
D. Pavlenko: Patient compliance as an effectiveness factor of complicated dendritic herpetic keratitis treatment
J. Ashar: Comparison of ROSE K XL, miniscleral (MS) and scleral (S) contact lens (CL) for ocular surface disorders
C. Kalamkar: Profile, treatment and outcomes of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) in a rural population of central India
Q. Palomino: Clinical management of ulcer perforation due to facial paralysis
V. Achtsidis : Ocular surface disease secondary to corneal hypoesthesia and denervation in subjects with diabetic neuropathy
J. Asher: Paired eye comparison of cyclosporine (CSA) 0.05% and chloroquine (CHQ) eye drops for moderate dry eyes
A.J Kanellopoulos: 
Refractive power changes in ectasia management with the Athens Protocol (AP): topo-guided PTK and CXL

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