Thank you for taking the time to provide input for this piece of research!

In collaboration with the Institution of Civil Engineers, Expedition are exploring the under-examined area of embodied carbon impacts of enabling infrastructure for large-scale developments and regeneration projects.

Enabling infrastructure encompasses major preparatory works (e.g. earthworks and demolition) and new access (roads/pavements), flood risk/drainage, foul drainage, and utilities infrastructure serving a site.

Most questions are multiple-choice, one question requires ranking of possible answers and two can be answered with free text. In the end of the survey, you can provide your contact details in case you are happy for us to contact you for a brief follow-up discussion.

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* Your role as a professional or the main role of the organisation you work for is that of:

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* The size of your organisation in number of employees is:

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* The region where most of your current masterplan projects are located is:

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* In your current / most recent masterplan projects for how many was reducing the embodied carbon of enabling infrastructure a key consideration in the design process?

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* In your current or most recent masterplan projects in how many was there an embodied carbon reduction target set from the project’s outset for enabling infrastructure?

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* On projects where reducing embodied carbon of enabling infrastructure is a key consideration, what is this driven by? (select all that apply)

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* When you quantify the embodied carbon impact of enabling infrastructure at early project stages (RIBA 1/2) what would be your typical approach for estimating carbon emissions?

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* When you quantify the embodied carbon impact of enabling infrastructure at early project stages (RIBA 1/2) what elements do you typically assess?
You can choose more than one element and define 'other' in the text box below.

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* When you quantify the embodied carbon impact of enabling infrastructure at detailed design stages (RIBA 3/4) what elements do you typically assess?
You can choose more than one element and define 'other' in the text box below.

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* In your current / most recent masterplan projects in how many is there a formal carbon management process in place?
Note: by ‘formal’ carbon management we broadly mean clearly defined roles, responsibilities, processes, and targets for delivering carbon savings from the project outset. Targets can encompass both buildings and infrastructure, or buildings alone. We are here interested to understand whether formal carbon management is applied, irrespective of the elements where carbon savings are targeted.

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* Are you aware of PAS2080 and if yes, have you or your organisation been involved in projects where PAS2080 principles were embedded?
Note: PAS 2080 provides a common process for carbon management in built environment projects and programmes of work, including buildings and infrastructure.

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* What would help you improve your understanding and take action to mitigate enabling infrastructure carbon impacts? Please use the arrows to rank your responses from most useful - at the top/first row, to least useful at the bottom/last row

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* If there is something that you consider useful and which we haven't captured in the options above, please leave your thoughts below.

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* What do you consider are the key barriers in the construction industry to delivering low-carbon, regenerative masterplans?
Key barriers reflect systemic issues, e.g. financial incentives, governance, client demand, capacity building, delivery mechanisms and/or business models.

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* Do you have any case studies where the carbon impacts of infrastructure were quantified and/or novel practices and substantial carbon savings achieved, any other lessons learned or insights which you think are valuable for others to know and would like to share with us?

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* Is there anything else you’d like to tell us that might be relevant for our work?

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* In case you are happy for us to follow-up for a brief further discussion, please leave your name and preferred contact details below. If you'd rather not be contacted further, please indicate with 'N/A'.