2021 IIDA HPC Member Survey #1 - Let's Learn More About You!


We are all still feeling the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and would like to engage our members to participate in a survey to determine how deeply it has affected our local architecture and interior design community. The intent of this survey is to also gauge member satisfaction and be attentive of your needs, issues and concerns during this time so that we may curate upcoming member events and continuing education sessions. Our goal is to retain our current membership while increasing new membership by adding beneficial and relevant resources and opportunities for you, your fellows and our local community.

The identities of persons taking part in this survey will be kept anonymous. IIDA, IIDA HPC, and persons receiving and analyzing this survey will not have access to any identifying information for those participating.

Our members are very important to us and we would love to hear from you. Our hope in the end is that the information gathered will provide valuable resources for our local architecture and interior design community.

All the best,
IIDA Hawaii Pacific Chapter
1.What is your current position and/or job title?
2.Are you:
3.Which best represents the area sector you mostly work in? Please select all that apply:
4.Are any of these sectors International Work?
5.How many years have you worked with your current employer?
6.How long have you been a member of IIDA?
7.Of which professional organizations are you currently a member? Please select all that apply:
Mahalo for your participation!
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered