Thank you for your interest in hands-on gardening volunteer opportunities at the U.S. Botanic Garden! We are not currently accepting applications for this role, but you can fill out this brief survey to be added to the notification list for future opportunities.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 3. Do you prefer to volunteer at the Production Facility (4700 Shepherd Parkway, SW) or the Conservatory (100 Maryland Ave SW)? If you're open to both, check both boxes.

Note: The Conservatory is easily accessible by public transportation and does not have onsite parking available. The Production Facility is accessible only by car and has onsite parking available.

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* 4. Hands-on gardening opportunities are available on weekday mornings and afternoons. Which times are you generally available for?

Note: If you're looking for weekend and/or evening volunteering, we suggest checking out Public Engagement volunteer opportunities.