Thanks for taking the time to complete these 10 questions about life & love.

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To see others answers to all of these questions and what comes out of this research, subscribe to my Substack page: Notes My Heart Wrote

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* 1. If you could distil your life philosophy, what would it be, and why is it meaningful to you?

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* 2. Reflecting on your past experiences, what advice would you give to your younger self about navigating life's complexities?

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* 3. Can you share a transformative experience that challenged your perceptions or beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of?

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* 4. Can you describe a time when you felt a deep sense of alignment between your inner self and external actions or circumstances? What did it feel like, and what contributed to this alignment?

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* 5. Can you share a time when you felt lost or uncertain about your life's path, and how you moved forward from there? Do you have any further reflections on that at this point in your life?

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* 6. What role do you believe self-discovery plays in leading a fulfilling life, and if you do, how do you actively engage in that process?

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* 7. How do you navigate the tension between embracing change and holding onto familiarity in your journey of self-evolution?

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* 8. Do you believe in the concept of destiny or fate, and how does that belief influence your approach to life's uncertainties?

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* 9. Looking back on your life experiences, what are the two most important lessons or pieces of advice you've learned in navigating life's complexities?

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* 10. Can you please provide your email address I can reach you on to finalise this as an article, and your Substack if you want it linked and promoted in this article: