Gospel of Mark Small Groups

1.Your Name:(Required.)
2.Email Address:(Required.)
3.Phone Number:
4.Please check which meeting format you prefer:(Required.)
5.I am willing to facilitate sessions for my small group (generating discussion, ensuring flow of the meeting, communications, etc). Don't worry, we'll train you! (Required.)
6.I am willing to host a small group in my home. (Required.)
7.Please check all that apply. *If you do not already have a group, please enter your top three meeting dates/times in questions 8-10.(Required.)
8.Please indicate your FIRST CHOICE for meeting dates/times below. Please include day of the week and meeting time. 
9.Please indicate your SECOND CHOICE for meeting dates/times below. Please include day of the week and meeting time.
10.Please indicate your THIRD CHOICE for meeting dates/times below. Please include day of the week and meeting time.