Question Title

* 1. How long have you lived in East Grand Rapids?

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* 2. Location MapPlease mark the letter below corresponding to the area on the map in which you live.

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your current place of residence?

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* 4. Please mark the ONE reason below that best describes why you live in or moved to East Grand Rapids:

Question Title

* 5. If new businesses were to locate in Gaslight Village, to what extent would the following be desired?

  Strong desire Some desire Unsure No desire Not wanted
Convenience store
High quality sit-down restaurant
Hardware store
Barber shop/hair salon
Doctor's office
Veterinary clinic
Casual dining chain restaurant
Clothing store
Sporting goods store
Business offices
Coffee shop
Fitness club

Question Title

* 6. Rate the following East Grand Rapids Characteristics

  Outstanding Better than average Acceptable Needs improvement Very poor
Quality of life
Natural resources
City services
Housing options
Pathways and trails

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* 7. If you chose to move from your current residence, which of the following would you seek? (select ONE)

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* 8. If you did move from your current residence, would you stay in East Grand Rapids?

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* 9. Please arrange the following concerns [using the arrows on the right] about living in East Grand Rapids in order of seriousness, from the most serious (1) to least serious (9)

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* 10. What THREE words would you use to describe what you like BEST about living in East Grand Rapids?

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* 11. What THREE words would you use to describe what you like LEAST about living in East Grand Rapids?

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* 12. Please mark your age group:

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* 13. Do you have any other comments to share?