Medical Office Roles and Responsibilities

The General Practice Services Committee is interested in learning more about the roles of the Medical Office Staff in community family practice to help inform future training opportunities. Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey, your responses based on your experiences working in primary care will be used to better serve the training needs for Medical Office Staff in the future.

The survey should only take 10-15 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous.

We really appreciate your input!

Question Title

* 1. 1.      Do you currently work in a community family practice clinic in British Columbia?

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* 2. 1. Which of the following best describes your role?

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* 4. Which city in BC do you currently work in?

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* 6. Are there any other interprofessional team members at your practice (e.g. psychologist, dietician, physiotherapist, social worker)?

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* 7. If yes, please name them

The next 4 questions outline typical medical office tasks in 4 categories. Please estimate how much time (in hours) you spend on each task, if a task is not within your role, please choose N/A.

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* 12. Where did you receive your education/training for your current profession/role?

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* 13. If you selected MOA Certification program, which college did you attend?

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* 14. Have you participated in the University of Fraser Valley Advanced MOA program?

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* 15. In your opinion, did your education prepare you for your current role?

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* 16. What skills training do you think would have better prepared you for your current role?

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* 17. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current profession?

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* 18. What is the greatest challenge you face in your current role?

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* 19. Would you be interested in enhancing/expanding your current role?

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* 20. Would you be interested in being a peer mentor (provide ad hoc support to other medical office staff)?

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* 21. If yes, which of your skills or areas of experience do you think others would benefit from?

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* 22. How important do you feel your role is to the efficient operation of the clinic?

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* 23. How supported do you feel by your community family practice team?

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* 24. Does your clinic currently use an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system?

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* 25. If no, is your clinic planning on transitioning to an EMR system?

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* 26. Which, if any, tasks for the clinic are still done on paper?

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* 27. In a typical week, what percentage of your time do you spend using the EMR?

0 100

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* 28. To what degree do you agree/ disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral  Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am aware of my responsibilities using the EMR system in the practice
I am confident using the EMR system 
My practice has efficient workflow processes for entering and updating data in the EMR

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* 29. Do you feel you have capacity to take on more responsibilities using the EMR in your clinic?

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* 30. Which of the following EMR systems would you consider yourself proficient in? (check all that apply)

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* 31. Which of the following tasks are you able to perform in the EMR system used at your clinic? (check all that apply)