Call for Abstracts

Thank you for submitting an abstract for the 2024 Vegetation Management Supplement, published by T&D World magazine in partnership with the Utility Arborist Association.

The deadline for abstracts is Feb. 1, 2024, and the deadline for final articles, photos and captions is due to Amy by March 15, 2024. The selected articles will appear in the June print supplement and in our Vegetation Management Insights newsletter. Those submitted stories that don't make it into the print issue will be published online on T&D World's website at, or appear in a future print issue of the magazine. 

Authors who have their articles accepted for publication will need to sign an author agreement, and they will be able to review the PDFs of their articles before they go to press. The final articles must be about 1,500 to 2,500 words in length, follow T&D World’s editorial style and include a short headline, deck, subheads and an author bio at the end.

We are also looking for high-resolution photos of utility vegetation management for the cover of our 2024 Vegetation Management Supplement. If you have high-resolution color photos you would like for us to consider for the cover, please email them to

If you have any questions, please email Field Editor Amy Fischbach at or call her at 913-579-4242. 

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* 1. What is your contact information as the submitter of the abstract?

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* 2. What is the name, job title and company name of the proposed author for the byline?

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* 3. What is the proposed headline for the article or title of your abstract?

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* 4. Describe the proposed article in a few sentences. 

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* 5. What are some of your ideas for illustrations, charts, graphs or photos?

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* 6. What other comments do you have about your article?