Dear attendee of the webinars of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons,
During the last three seasons you subscribed for at least one of our educational webinars.
Since our mission is to improve quality in all aspects of our specialty: from clinical and surgical management of patients to education, training and credentialing of thoracic surgeons in Europe and worldwide, we continuously want to improve our educational initiatives.
Therefore the ESTS learning affairs committee wants to know your opinion on how we can improve our educational webinars.
Since our mission is to improve quality in all aspects of our specialty: from clinical and surgical management of patients to education, training and credentialing of thoracic surgeons in Europe and worldwide, we continuously want to improve our educational initiatives.
Therefore the ESTS learning affairs committee wants to know your opinion on how we can improve our educational webinars.
This questionnaire is designed in 32 questions divided in: a demographics part (Questions 1 to 6) and your feedback (questions 7 to 32). In particular the latter one, your feedback, is organised in timing (questions 7 to 11), content (questions 12 to 15), people involved in the lectures/training program (questions 16 to 19), format (questions 20 to 21), access (questions 22 to 25), and overall (questions 26 to 32).
Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire in order to give you a better future webinar experience.
The ESTS Learning Affairs Committee
The ESTS Learning Affairs Committee