
We're Habitat Communication & Culture and we're partnering with Springfield Women in Tech to learn more about the experiences of all tech workers in Springfield and surrounding regions. The goal of this survey is to learn more about the workplace experiences of all tech workers in our region, regardless of gender or any other characteristics.

We expect this survey to take 10 to 15 minutes of your time. We will ask you to provide demographic information but we will not ask for your name.

At the end of the survey, we will ask you to optionally provide an email address if you're interested in being entered to win 1 of 10 $50 Amazon Gift Cards we'll be giving away to randomly selected participants. If you choose to provide an email address, your responses will not be linked to that address in the analysis or delivery of results. And, we'll not share this raw data with any party, instead we'll be sharing our insights and interpretations of the data.

Thanks, in advance, for your participation in improving our tech community!