Please tell us about your day in 6 easy questions
What events did you enjoy most at Neutrino Day? (Choose all your favorites)
Keynote Speaker Brian Malow
Little Shop of Physics
Interactive activities at the Handley Center
Learning about the science at SURF
Trolley tours to the hoistroom
Spending time in the City of Lead
Volunteering at Neutrino Day
Underground live stream
Additional guest speakers
My favorite part of Neutrino Day is...
How did you hear about Neutrino Day? (Choose all that apply)
I've enjoyed Neutrino Day for years.
I saw posts or ads on social media.
I heard an ad on the radio or TV.
I saw an article in the newspaper.
My company is involved in Neutrino Day.
I saw information on a community calendar online.
I heard about Neutrino Day from...
What would make Neutrino Day more fun for you? (Can choose more than one)
More opportunities for tours on Neutrino Day
Too many activities to see everything
Additional nearby food and beverage locations
Additional places to sit down and cool off
I would also like to see...
Did you volunteer on Neutrino Day?
Yes (Thank you!)
No (Want to? Visit
to learn more)
How helpful was the volunteer process? (Please choose all that apply)
I had all the information I needed and I had a fabulous time!
I used to get volunteer updates.
The sign-up process was clear and concise.
I was given the right amount of information when I needed it.
I knew exactly who to talk to if I had questions.
The handouts and signs on Neutrino Day made it easy to be helpful to others.
What would make volunteering on Neutrino Day even easier is...
How far did you travel to experience Neutrino Day?
My home is in the Lead-Deadwood community.
I live in the Black Hills area (including Spearfish and Rapid City).
I call one of the nine Native Nations in the South Dakota geography my home.
I reside in greater South Dakota somewhere between Buffalo and Sioux Falls.
I traveled from out of state to be a part of Neutrino Day.
I came to the United States and discovered the fun of Neutrino Day.