Setting Priorities as we move to Re-open our Gatherings at Victoria Alliance Church
Under the most recent variance of the PHO, we are permitted to host in person gatherings for up to 50 people indoors, using social distancing measures, masks, and refraining from corporate singing. As we consider moving to a return to in person gatherings, we are wondering about your household's readiness to gather.
Choose all that apply.
My household will return to weekly in person gatherings as soon as possible.
My household will return to weekly in person gatherings if offered in July or August.
My household will return to weekly in person gatherings if offered in September.
My household will return to weekly in person gatherings only when we are free from all restrictions in activity.
My household will return only if there is programing available for our children.
My household will likely not return to weekly in person gatherings.
My household will likely remain part of the online worship community.
My household will likely gather in person sometimes and online sometimes.
My household would prefer to gather in person on a monthly or bi-monthly schedule.
My household will likely not return to any form of church gathering.
Other (please specify)
Give us a sense of how you think we should approach our church programming.
Choose one only.
Return church programming to how it was pre-pandemic as soon as possible.
Make adaptations to our previous church programs so they can work in the new post-pandemic context we are in.
Start fresh. Programs are only meant to help us as we stay on mission. Follow the mission opportunities of this current day.
Other (please specify)
This past year has led us as a church community to redistribute our staff and resources to new programs and ministries. As we move forward to a post-pandemic context, we are looking to gather your input around our priorities for the next season.
Choose all that apply.
Our priority should be to reach out to specific age groups that have "vanished" from engagement through the pandemic months.
Our priority should be to move our facility re-vitalization plan forward as quickly as possible.
Our priority should be to offer a wide variety of programs and opportunities to connect with our community.
Our priority should be to select a few promising strategies to reach our community and do them well.
Our priority should be to focus on our Sunday gatherings.
Our priority should be to focus on small groups.
Our priority should be to serve the wider Victoria community.
Our priority should be to hire additional staff to address the new needs of a post-pandemic church.
Other (please specify)
As we prepare to return to in person gatherings, we are faced with the work of rebuilding our volunteer structure. Very little can happen in the life of a church without the amazing volunteers we have being well mobilized for ministry.
Choose all that apply
I was a volunteer before the pandemic.
I look forward to volunteering as we return to in person gatherings.
I will happily volunteer if offered training.
I will happily volunteer if I am able to do so from home.
I will be cautious about volunteering as my time is limited.
I will be cautious about volunteering as I have health concerns I need to be mindful of.
I will be cautious about volunteering because I am feeling overwhelmed.
I will not be volunteering until all of this pandemic stuff is over.
I will not be volunteering.
I am interested in supporting our re-opening efforts through Volunteering on a team. Please contact me with more information. My email address is:
Thank you for your time. We appreciate your thoughts, and welcome any additional comments about our return to gatherings via email:
Current Progress,
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