Informal Observation Form: Cooperating Teacher Feedback to Intern

Directions:  This form can be used by the evaluator to document informal classroom observation.  One form should be given to the teacher, and one copy should be maintained by the evaluator for the entire evaluation cycle to document growth and development.  

NOTE:  It is unlikely that all teacher performance standards would be documented in a single classroom visit.  In fact, an observation might focus on a specific standard. Standards 1, 3, 5, and 6 are shown below as they are the most likely to be observed in a classroom visit.
This form should be completed prior to the intern's first and second assignment review. 
1.Student's Name
3.Observer's Name
4.Date of Observation
5.Standard 1: Professional Knowledge
6.Standard 3: Instructional Delivery
7.Standard 5: Learning Environment
8.Please Skip to Question 9
9.Standard 6: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Equitable Practices