We are looking for 40 families to trial the NEW Pulse Oximeter or Oral Comfort Care Pack! If you are interested, please fill out the form below.

We will be selecting 40 participants total at random. If you are selected to participate you will receive an email from a Team Member in the upcoming days. Participants will be asked to try the product with either themself or their child, post a photo of the item in use on their social media account(s) and post a review of the item on a retailer site! All items will be shipped to all participants. Participants will be selected at random and contacted via email no later than 3/21. US residents only.

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* 1. How many children do you have?

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* 2. Please state the DOB of the person you intend to use the Pulse Oximeter or Oral Comfort Care Pack with.


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* 3. Please state which item you would like to receive. 

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* 4. Which social media site do you visit the most?

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* 5. How many times a week do you post on social media (per site)?

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* 6. How many times a day do you check your personal social media pages?

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* 7. Where do you primarily learn about new products and brands for you child?

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* 8. Thank you for entering! Please confirm your contact details below:

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* 9. From time to time, Nuby sends out email newsletters containing information about new products, exclusive special offers, discount codes and competitions. Please advise your contact preference below.