Warfare In The Wilderness Youth & Young Adult Retreat (Ages 12 & up)  will be held September 9-11, 2016.  Please complete the following in order to register for Warfare 2016.  For questions requiring an urgent response, please send us a message/IB on our FB page.

Thank you!

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* 1. What is your contact information?

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* 2. There will be a nurse onsite. Please list any allergies you have and/or medications you require.

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* 3. What's your t-shirt size?

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* 4. Are you a Christian?

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* 5. List any special questions or spiritual issues you would like addressed. They will be held in confidence.

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* 6. Registration Costs for Warfare are $160.00 and include transportation, food, lodging, and materials.  Please indicate how you would like to pay:

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* 7. Do you have friends, churches, or leaders you would like us to send information about Warfare? If so, please provide their name and contact info (either phone number, social media info, or email address)

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* 8. Select from the following two options:

Sleeper Agents: Be cool,  be yourself, infiltrate the culture, but do it without compromise.   Be among the ungodly in school, at work, at home, in your families, but be ready to be used to be a blessing right where you are!

Agents of Hope:  Learn to point people to the cross when they’re down, encourage them.  Develop and activate the strength to look past what you see, hear, and even think about a person to give a word of hope.

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* 9. Select from the following two options:

Prisoner's Agent: Learn how to deal with and/or minister to those who are imprisoned.  To be imprisoned is to be struggling with habits, mindsets, behaviors, attitudes, excessive grief, etc. that keep them stuck or in a cycle that keeps repeating.  The imprisoned person could be you, your friends/associates, classmates, neighbors, family members, co-workers, etc.  Learn tactics to get free and help others to get free!

Agents in the Dark:  Learn how to engage in and win the personal battle of purity by maintaining your vessel in honor.  This includes sexual impurity, language, lifestyle, mindset, etc.  It includes (without being legalistic) how to assess your surroundings (music, friends, tv, etc.) in order to maintain a vessel that pleases God. 

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* 10. Select from the following two options: 

Handling Weapons of mass destruction: Learn how to engage in a more meaningful prayer life; using intercession and prayer as powerful weapons against the enemy.

Bomb Squad: Dealing with and diffusing anger/rage.  Learn tactics to deal with it personally, and how to interact with others who may struggle with it.