Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. The survey offers you the opportunity to provide your views on the Department for Enterprise's Draft Local Economy Strategy. Your feedback is crucial to ensure the Strategy meets the needs and expectations of our community. Given the broad scope of the Local Economy Strategy, it is essential for us to gather input from a diverse range of perspectives. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to receiving your insights.

Please ensure you have read the Draft Economic Strategy before completing this survey. The Draft Local Economy Strategy can be found here.

Within the survey we use the following terms:

Local Economy
  • Refers to the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors in the Isle of Man.

Local Areas
  • Town and city centre areas and highstreets which offer retail, hospitality and leisure services.

Local Area Stakeholders
  • Business owners, local trade groups, local authorities and commissioners, members of local communities.

Local Economy Strategy Objectives
  • The Local Economy Strategy objectives are located in section 7 of the Strategy document. Strategic pillars, goals and actions and are summarised on the "Local Economy on a Page" graphic.

If you choose to submit your personal data/opinions in this survey this will be held in the strictest confidence within the Department for Enterprise. This personal data will only be used for the purpose of this specific research topic and will only be retained as long as is strictly necessary and will be deleted once the results of the survey have been analysed.
Please see our Privacy Policy for further information on how we may use your data.

Question Title

* 1. In which of the below capacities are you responding to this consultation?

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* 2. What is your age group?

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* 4. How important do you consider each of the 7 Guiding Principles?

  Not important at all Not very important Quite important Very important
1. Foster and build great communities.
2. Support the existence of a strong and diverse economy.
3. Lead to job creation.
4. Encourage a retail, leisure, and hospitality offering that has broad appeal; is varied and attractive to a wide range of demographic constituents (including children, young people, and families).
5. Stimulate investment and incentivise development; to improve the quality and vibrancy of the Island’s retail, hospitality, and leisure proposition.
6. Be consistent with the Island’s net zero commitment.
7. Reflect a local first approach to tackling challenges and taking advantage of opportunities.

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* 5. Which two Strategic Goals, included in the Local Economy Strategy under
Pillar 1 - Infrastructure & Place Management, should be prioritised? (maximum of 2)

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* 6. Which two Strategic Goals included in the Local Economy Strategy, under
Pillar 2 - Enterprise & Consumer Experience, should be prioritised? (maximum of 2)

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* 7. Which two Strategic Goals included in the Local Economy Strategy, under
Pillar 3 - Local Empowerment & Partnerships, should be prioritised? (maximum of 2)

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* 8. Do you have any additional comments regarding the Strategic Goals detailed under the three pillars above?

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* 9. Which of the outcomes below do you consider to be of most significance? (maximum of 2)

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* 10. Please select the factors that you see as crucial to delivering the outcomes of the Local Economy Strategy (maximum of 6):