2024 Membership Survey

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes you?

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* 4. Please rate the following from 1-5 depending on how important the issue is to you. (1 = not important, 5 = very important)

  1 - Not Important 2 - Low Importance 3 - Neutral 4 - Important 5 - Very Important
A strong and growing U.S. manufacturing sector.
Workplace equality and anti-discrimination laws.
Increased wages.
Affordable and quality child care.
Affordable health care and prescription drugs.
Strong workplace safety and health protections.
Americans’ ability to easily vote.
Retirement security that includes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Labor laws that support our ability to form unions and negotiate strong contracts.
Reasonable and predictable work hours.
Solutions to climate change that protect jobs.
Strong overtime protections in federal law.
Trade agreements and laws that protect U.S. workers.
Infrastructure investment using domestic components.

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* 5. Please select the three issues you consider most important from the following list.

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* 6. Please rate how familiar you are with the following. (1 = unfamiliar, 2 = somewhat unfamiliar, 3 = neutral, 4 = somewhat unfamiliar, 5 = very familiar)

  1 - Unfamiliar 2 - Somewhat Unfamiliar  3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Familiar 5 - Very Familiar
The historic infrastructure law that is improving roads and bridges, expanding broadband internet, replacing lead pipes and more while using domestically-manufactured products to do so. 
The recent law that caps insulin costs to $35 and lowers prescription drug costs for seniors. 
The expansion of grants and other funding to help existing manufacturers upgrade to remain competitive in the future and encourage new industries to locate in the United States instead of overseas. 
The efforts to bring jobs home by returning the production of critical products to our shores, including personal protective equipment and the semiconductor chips that power our electronics. 

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* 7. With increased technological change in the workplace, do any of the following apply where you are employed? Select all that are relevant.

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* 8. Would you like to tell us more about yourself or sign up for USW email updates?