CSMS Women in Medicine Networking and Skill Building

1.How long have you been a CSMS member?
2.Are you currently on any CSMS committees?
3.How many CSMS events or meetings do you attend yearly?
4.How often would you participate in a CSMS WINS in-person event?
5.How often would you participate in a CSMS WINS virtual event?
6.NETWORK: Each program of the Lecture and Networking Series will address 2-3 topics while providing networking opportunities. The topic for May 4th was Communication. Which of the following topics would you like to learn about during the Lecture and Networking Series? (Check all that apply)
7.ADVANCE: CSMS will offer in the Fall of 2023 a Career Advancement Training Certificate program in partnership with the Women’s Leadership Center at the University of St. Joseph. (Email Layne for more info: lgakos@csms.org). Would you be interested in applying to this program?
8.What stage are you at in your career? (please include
9.LEARN: Through Research Projects, we would like to understand where CT women in medicine are in their careers, the missing pieces, and how to empower them to reach their professional goals. Through skill building, sharing lessons learned and developing a strong network. What other services and opportunities would you like to see offered by CSMS WINS?
10.ELEVATE: The mentorship programs aim to elevate women both personally and professionally. Would you participate in a 1:1 mentor-mentee program?
11.Would you participate in women’s peer group mentoring program? Small groups of women at similar career stages meet to learn, share ideas and collaborate.
12.Name (first/last)
14.Organizational affiliation
16.Phone Number (optional)