Cashmere Technical Annual Survey 2024

1.What is your age?
2.Which of the following best describes your association with Cashmere Technical FC? (select all that apply)
3.At what grade are you involved with the club? (select all that apply)
4.What do you consider the main purpose of the club to be?
5.What was your main reason for joining the club?
6.Why did you choose Cashmere Technical over other clubs?
7.How do you rate the value for money of the membership fees that you pay?
8.Are you willing to volunteer for the club? ie coaching, fund raising, sponsorship
9.If you are interested in volunteering, what would you like to be involved in? (select all that apply)
10.What do you consider the biggest issue facing the club?
11.What do you think the Club can do better?
12.How likely is it that you would recommend Cashmere Technical to a friend or colleague?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
13.Do you have any other comments, questions, or thoughts that you want to share?