NEPA LGBTQIA+ Needs Assessment

Survey Introduction:
Welcome to the Community Needs and Service Assessment conducted by the Rainbow Alliance, a nonprofit organization supporting the LGBTQIA+ community in Northeastern Pennsylvania (NEPA). Your participation in this survey will help us better understand the support and well-being needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals like yourself in our area.

This survey aims to gather information to identify gaps in services and support systems for LGBTQIA+ individuals. Your feedback will be instrumental in initiating conversations, creating programs, and advocating for our community's needs.

Please note that this survey is open to LGBTQIA+ individuals who reside in Pennsylvania and are 13 years or older.

Your responses are completely anonymous. We do not collect personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, or phone number (unless you want to participate in our raffle). Your responses will be kept confidential and stored securely. We do not track your computer user IDs, IP addresses, or other identifying information.

This survey is sponsored by the Rainbow Alliance, and all findings will be used to support our mission of advocating for and providing services to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Please complete the entire survey in one session to ensure that none of your experiences or opinions are lost. The survey should take less than 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

Your participation in this survey is highly valued. As a token of our appreciation, you can enter a raffle for 1 of 5 $100 Amazon gift cards upon completion. (if you chose to provide your information at the end)

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Please refer to the additional information if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this critical survey. Your input will help shape the future of services and support for the LGBTQIA+ community in Pennsylvania.

Question Title

* 1. Do you live or work in Northeastern Pennsylvania?

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* 2. Which county do you reside or work in?

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?

Question Title

* 5. Are you a parent or guardian of a child or children who are LGBTQIA+

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following describes your sexual orientation?

Question Title

* 7. Do you consider yourself Transgender: "Transgender" describes people whose gender identity or expression differs, at least part of the time, from the sex assigned to them at birth. Please select one:

Question Title

* 8. Gender Identity: Please select one that best describes yourself:

Question Title

* 9. What was your sex assigned at birth?

Question Title

* 10. What is your racial identity? Check all that apply:

Question Title

* 11. How many people in your life currently know you are LGBTQIA+?

Question Title

* 12. Do you feel the need to mask or hide your LGBTQIA+ identity in NEPA?

Question Title

* 13. Where do you feel the need to mask or hide your LGBTQIA+ identity? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 14. Do you feel safe expressing your LGBTQIA+ identity in NEPA?

Question Title

* 15. Where do you feel safe expressing your LGBTQIA+ identity? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 16. Do you attend any LGBTQIA+ Events such as Pride, Community events, Drag shows, movie viewings, discussion groups, in NEPA etc.?

Question Title

* 17. If yes, which LGBTQIA+ events have you attended in the past 2 years? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 18. If you haven't attended any LGBTQIA+ events, why? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 19. How would you rate the importance of LGBTQIA+ events in your community?

Question Title

* 20. Have you ever felt excluded or unwelcome by the Rainbow Alliance at LGBTQIA+ events in NEPA? ( If yes, would you be able to name the event)

Question Title

* 21. What improvements would encourage you to attend LGBTQIA+ events in the future? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 22. List the organizations you know that help or support the LGBTQIA+ community in Northeastern PA. (Mark all that apply)

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* 23. Click on the one that says Blue. (This is to ensure accurate responses are being recorded)

Question Title

* 24. How do you rate the support provided by LGBTQIA+ organizations regarding education about transitioning, and other LGBTQIA+ related information in your area?

Question Title

* 25. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements related to Northeastern Pennsylvania (NEPA):

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agreement Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I believe LGBTQIA+ events play a role in fostering a sense of community and belonging.
I feel that LGBTQIA+ organizations are not doing enough to bring awareness to current LGBTQIA+ issue
I believe we need more education for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the area related to transitioning, coming out, sexual health, and dating.
I feel we need more LGBTQIA+ activities centered around LGBTQIA+ youth members.
I feel that I need more information to help support families and parents regarding LGBTQIA+.
I feel NEPA does not have enough resources to support those in need of transitioning, coming out, sexual health, and dating.

Question Title

* 26. Which types of LGBTQIA+ events or activities would you be most interested in attending? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 27. What aspects of LGBTQIA+ events do you find most appealing? (Select 3 that apply)

Question Title

* 28. In what format do you prefer LGBTQIA+ events to be held?

Question Title

* 29. What time of day do you prefer LGBTQIA+ events to be held?

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* 30. Are there any specific features you want to be included in LGBTQIA+ event venues? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 31. Where do you usually hear about events?

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* 32. Would you be interested in participating in LGBTQIA+ discussion/support groups?

Question Title

* 33. If yes, which types of LGBTQIA+ discussion/support groups would you be interested in? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 34. If there were a workshop or educational series, which topics would you be interested in attending? (Please select all that apply):

Question Title

* 35. Needs for Education and Support- Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
I need more education about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and medical transition.
I need more support in connecting with other (LGBTQIA+) people.
I need more support in how to come out to others.
I need more education on how to dress or express myself comfortably (e.g., learning how to shave and styling tips).
I need more education on how to support my LGBTQIA+ child (for parents and guardians)

Question Title

* 36. Preferences for Events and Activities - Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I would like events that help me find connections for dating.
I would like mingling events to make friends like me that are beyond a bar setting.
I would like trips that help us explore more of Northeastern Pennsylvania (NEPA).
I would like a running and outdoors group.
I would like events that promote exercise and health.

Question Title

* 37. Enter Our Drawing

As a token of our appreciation, you can enter a drawing for a $100 gift card. If you would like to participate, please provide the following information. Rest assured, this information will be kept confidential and separate from your survey responses. It will not be used in the final results or findings. Please put N/A if you do not wish to enter.

Name :

Question Title

* 38. This survey aims to help develop and improve programming within the Rainbow Alliance. Was there anything that resonated with you that needed to be covered in this survey? Do you have any specific ideas or thoughts on programming needs and barriers that were not addressed? Please provide detailed feedback to help us better understand your needs.