Training and Technical Assistance Referral Form for PPTB Staff at CDC

A brief tutorial video about the Training and Technical Assistance Referral Form for PPTB Staff at CDC is available here.
1.PPTB team (select all that apply):
2.Does this referral apply to a single recipient or to multiple recipients of PPTB funds?
3.TTA recipient program (select all that apply):(Required.)
4.TTA recipient state (select all that apply):(Required.)
5.TTA recipient organizational type (check all that apply):
6.Role of individual(s) to receive TTA:(Required.)
7.Focus of TTA (select all that apply)(Required.)
8.Description of TTA request
Please tell us how we can assist the PPTB recipient(s).
9.Previous TTA provided
Describe other relevant TTA received by the recipient(s) that would be helpful for meeting the current TTA request. 
10.Measure of success (desired outcome)
Please describe what you would like the recipient(s) to do following receipt of TTA and how this relates to program requirements.
11.Preferred mode of TTA delivery
12.Preferred provider(s) (if applicable)
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered
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