Annexation, Governance, Special Districts
Annexation, Governance, Special Districts Higher or Near Term Priority
Annexation, Governance, Special Districts Lower or Longer Term Priority
Annexation, Governance, Special Districts Not a Priority
Buildable Lands and Growth Targets
Buildable Lands and Growth Targets Higher or Near Term Priority
Buildable Lands and Growth Targets Lower or Longer Term Priority
Buildable Lands and Growth Targets Not a Priority
Climate Change
Climate Change Higher or Near Term Priority
Climate Change Lower or Longer Term Priority
Climate Change Not a Priority
Comprehensive Planning Cycle
Comprehensive Planning Cycle Higher or Near Term Priority
Comprehensive Planning Cycle Lower or Longer Term Priority
Comprehensive Planning Cycle Not a Priority
Development Regulations (zoning, code/reform)
Development Regulations (zoning, code/reform) Higher or Near Term Priority
Development Regulations (zoning, code/reform) Lower or Longer Term Priority
Development Regulations (zoning, code/reform) Not a Priority
Economic Development
Economic Development Higher or Near Term Priority
Economic Development Lower or Longer Term Priority
Economic Development Not a Priority
Equity and Environmental Justice
Equity and Environmental Justice Higher or Near Term Priority
Equity and Environmental Justice Lower or Longer Term Priority
Equity and Environmental Justice Not a Priority
Fish and Wildlife Habitat
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Higher or Near Term Priority
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Lower or Longer Term Priority
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Not a Priority
Food Systems
Food Systems Higher or Near Term Priority
Food Systems Lower or Longer Term Priority
Food Systems Not a Priority
Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Prevention Planning/Response
Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Prevention Planning/Response Higher or Near Term Priority
Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Prevention Planning/Response Lower or Longer Term Priority
Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Prevention Planning/Response Not a Priority
Homelessness Higher or Near Term Priority
Homelessness Lower or Longer Term Priority
Homelessness Not a Priority
Housing Higher or Near Term Priority
Housing Lower or Longer Term Priority
Housing Not a Priority
Infrastructure Planning and Financing (e.g., transportation, water and sewer systems, broadband, etc.)
Infrastructure Planning and Financing (e.g., transportation, water and sewer systems, broadband, etc.) Higher or Near Term Priority
Infrastructure Planning and Financing (e.g., transportation, water and sewer systems, broadband, etc.) Lower or Longer Term Priority
Infrastructure Planning and Financing (e.g., transportation, water and sewer systems, broadband, etc.) Not a Priority
Local Budgets and Revenue Authority
Local Budgets and Revenue Authority Higher or Near Term Priority
Local Budgets and Revenue Authority Lower or Longer Term Priority
Local Budgets and Revenue Authority Not a Priority
Parks and Open Space
Parks and Open Space Higher or Near Term Priority
Parks and Open Space Lower or Longer Term Priority
Parks and Open Space Not a Priority
Placemaking Higher or Near Term Priority
Placemaking Lower or Longer Term Priority
Placemaking Not a Priority
Shorelines Higher or Near Term Priority
Shorelines Lower or Longer Term Priority
Shorelines Not a Priority
State Funding for Planning/Planning Priorities (capital and operating budgets)
State Funding for Planning/Planning Priorities (capital and operating budgets) Higher or Near Term Priority
State Funding for Planning/Planning Priorities (capital and operating budgets) Lower or Longer Term Priority
State Funding for Planning/Planning Priorities (capital and operating budgets) Not a Priority
Tribal Planning
Tribal Planning Higher or Near Term Priority
Tribal Planning Lower or Longer Term Priority
Tribal Planning Not a Priority
Urban Growth Areas
Urban Growth Areas Higher or Near Term Priority
Urban Growth Areas Lower or Longer Term Priority
Urban Growth Areas Not a Priority
Vesting (due process prior to completion of annexation)
Vesting (due process prior to completion of annexation) Higher or Near Term Priority
Vesting (due process prior to completion of annexation) Lower or Longer Term Priority
Vesting (due process prior to completion of annexation) Not a Priority
Water Quality and Supply
Water Quality and Supply Higher or Near Term Priority
Water Quality and Supply Lower or Longer Term Priority
Water Quality and Supply Not a Priority