CIMC CCHP Survey Question Title * 1. Are you vaccinated? If you are, did you receive your booster shot? I am not vaccinated. I am vaccinated, but do not want the booster shots. I am vaccinated and plan to receive, but have not yet received, the booster shots. I am vaccinated and have received the first booster shot only. I am vaccinated and have received both booster shots. Question Title * 2. Have the children (age 0 to 12) and/or elders (age 65+) in your household received their COVID-19 vaccination(s) and booster shots? Yes, they have received their vaccination(s) and booster shots. They have received their vaccination(s) and plan to get their booster shots. They want to receive their vaccination(s) and booster shots but have not been able to. They have no intention to receive their COVID-19 vaccination(s). Question Title * 3. As COVID-19 guidelines change, are you becoming more lenient in practicing previous precautions? Examples of being more lenient: not always wearing a mask, not social distancing, not isolating oneself. Despite COVID-19 guideline changes, I continue to strictly practice previous precautions. I support the changes and find myself being more lenient in my practice of COVID-19 precautions. I am reluctant to accept the guidelines but occasionally will follow others and practice some COVID-19 precautions. I do not practice any COVID-19 precautions. Question Title * 4. How do you rate the importance of receiving the COVID-19 vaccination(s) and booster shots? Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important Question Title * 5. How important is the collection of accurate data about the affects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our Native communities? The lack of accurate data about the affects of the COVID-19 pandemic in rural and urban Native communities does not result in less available resources for Native peoples. Better data about the relationship between COVID-19 and Native communities will support efforts to leverage much needed resources. Question Title * 6. Please share any other comments you have about the COVID-19 pandemic as experienced by Native communities. Question Title * 7. Please share your Tribal Affiliation and County of Residence. Done