
We appreciate you participating in this survey. Your responses remain confidential and data used for reporting will be de-identified.

This 'Dairy farm water survey' is designed to gauge the current operating conditions on dairy farms, in relation to water supply and security. The information collected will be analysed and used to support future planning for the dairy and water industry.

Specifically it aims to collect information from dairy farmers in the region to understand the following:
  • impacts of previous dry seasons on farm water supply
  • impacts of reduced water availability on farm
  • changes that have been made on farms in response to water supply issues
  • plans to address water security on farm in the future
  • ideas and suggestions for industry support

This survey will close on 24th May 2024. Please share this link with others who you think may be interested in participating.

For more information or to make an enquiry, please contact WestVic Dairy on (03) 5557-1000 or email amanda@westvicdairy.com.au

Background: This survey is an action derived from the South West Water Forum taskforce that was formed in 2015 in response to the dry conditions and lack of surface runoff in the Heytesbury District. The Heytesbury area has limited access to groundwater and relies heavily on surface runoff to fill dams for water supply for dairy farms. The dry seasonal conditions in 2015, highlighted that many dairy operations had very little to no runoff, leaving critical water reserves to support stock drinking water, plant washing, vat cleaning and fire-fighting requirements.

This pilot project has been funded through the South West Victoria node of the Federal Government's Future Drought Fund.