Question Title

* Please choose the top 5 actions that are most important to you and rank them 1-5. 1 being most important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Establish a simple standard format to use for change management for new projects/initiatives or any changes to these. If possible, introduce plan with ample time for stakeholders to provide thoughtful feedback.
Establish overarching direction/goals with minimal digression from plan.
Use different tools to recognize F&A individuals/teams such as Mango Recognition, email appreciation ecards, Life in the Hive Teams Channel, etc.
Establish non-manager mentor meetings for staff to foster candid conversations and provide perspective to help reach goals, discuss roadblocks, etc.
Establish staff meetings (non-managers) to empower staff and fosters inclusion.
Implement a PM tool to manage F&A projects/recurring work and provide a central source of relevant information for the team.
Provide a career development plan to map out career and next steps, whether that is to move to next level internally or externally.
Encourage spontaneous coffee meet-ups. Lunches, as if they would if they were in the office.
Explain the "why's" of our world to external parties. Ex. "We need this because….". If necessary, escalate to manager when this approach is not working. Let staff know why you are going a level up.
Use systems to enforce compliance with policies/procedures upfront.
Provide clarity on who to contact in F&A. "Who to call" one sheet provided to business partners. Update Mango F&A pages. Internal chatbot to help search for reference material in Mango.
In-person subdepartment focus meetings (workshops/project kickoffs/status, etc.).
Each department staff to meet monthly without manager (virtual/in-person).
Establish "breakfast & learns" for team and provide discussion time on topic.
Volunteer day as a team.