Youth Haven Services Consumer Satisfaction Survey 2023

Your opinions are very important to us! Please help us to make our programs better by completing this survey about the services that you receive. Please feel free to let us know if you need any help completing this survey.               


Instructions: Please check the answer that is best applicable to you
1.Which Service are you enrolled in?
2.Person Completed Survey
3.Staff communicate things to me in a way that I can understand
4.Staff include my ideas in decisions about treatment
5.Staff treat me, my child, and/or family with respect and I feel supported
6.I am involved in the planning of treatment goals and I know what my goals are
7.How Satisfied are you with the access to and availability of our staff, including after hours
8.I would recommend this program/service/agency to someone else who is in need of similar care
9.I am satisfied with the quality of services that I receive
10.Staff is courteous and professional
11.Staff are sensitive and aware of my personal preferences and culture background.
12.I am satisfied with medications and refill requests for medications prescribed by Youth Haven Services.
13.Do you have any additional comments or suggestions or success stories? If yes, please share them with us.