Primary care Rheumatology

Rheumatology practice by non- rheumatologists

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* 1. Who is the first healthcare worker to treat a patient with rheumatic musculoskeletal disease?

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* 2. Do you know the treatment options recieved by you?

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* 3. How was the response to 1st medicine?

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* 4. Do you know who is the correct specialist for Rheumatic musculoskeletal problems?

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* 5. How easy is access to a rheumatologist for you?

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* 6. Your nearest rheumatologist works in a

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* 7. How much time your rheumatologist did spend during your 1st consultation?

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* 8. What is the waiting time for a consultation with a rheumatologist?

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* 9. During an emergency situation, whom can you access 1st?

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* 10. After a rheumatologist's 1st consult, how often you follow up with a non rheumatologist doctor?