Thursday 19th September 5pm - 7pm

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* 1. What are your pronouns?

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Last Name

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* 4. Personal Email (school/university email systems sometimes prevent our emails from landing in your inbox. If you have one, you might prefer to provide your personal email address instead)

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* 5. What type of school do/did you go to?

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* 6. School / University

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* 7. Your School's / University's Head of Careers Email Address

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* 8. Your Head of Year's Email Address

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* 9. Year Group

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* 10. Mobile Number (so we can confirm your place via text)

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* 11. Gender

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* 12. Parent/Guardian  Email (we use this only to let your parents know you have joined the programme and details about it).

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* 13. Ethnicity

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* 14. Region

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* 15. Have you ever been eligible for free school meals?

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* 16. Are you the first generation of your family to go to Uni? (we ask this so we can understand whether you would be the first person in your family to go to university)

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* 17. What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were about aged 14?

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* 18. Have you been or are in care

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* 19. Do you have a disability (including a Neurodiversity, e.g. Dyslexia, ADHD, Asperger’s – where you may get extra time in exams)?

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* 20. Home Postcode

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* 21. Are you on track for 96 UCAS points?

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* 22. What do you want to do after school?

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* 23. Do you / Did you study Computer Science at A-Levels?

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* 24. Do you / Did you study Maths at A-Levels?

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* 25. We take the confidentiality of your personal data very seriously and we have set out all the details about what we do with it in our Privacy Policy.

Please select ‘yes’ if you agree to our terms.