National Runaway Safeline (NRS) Digital Services Survey Question Title * 1. I am a: Youth Parent/Guardian Adult Question Title * 2. Age: Under 12 12 to 13 14 to 15 16 to 17 18 to 19 20 to 21 22 to 24 24 and above Question Title * 3. Race: White/Caucasian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Asian American Indian or Alaska Native Multi-Racial Question Title * 4. Gender: Female Male Non-Binary Question Title * 5. Have you ever called NRS' online services before? Yes No Question Title * 6. I chose to contact NRS today via: Email Forum Chat Text Question Title * 7. After communicating with NRS, I feel more supported than I did before contacting NRS. Strongly Agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 8. NRS discussed options and resources that will help me address my situation. Strongly Agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 9. Overall, NRS was effective in helping me today. Strongly Agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 10. Would you recommend NRS' online services to a friend? Yes No Question Title * 11. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for NRS? Done