Share your story

Cancer affects everyone. Whānau, family friends, and communities can also be affected as they walk alongside someone who is facing a cancer diagnosis.  The Cancer Society prides itself on providing support not only for patients but also for the family/whanau and community surrounding them.  

Your stories are important to us, especially as we are working to reduce the impact of cancer and improve cancer outcomes for all. By sharing your stories, you can help promote our work and let others know that they are not alone, and that support is available to them in so many different ways.  If you are a whānau / family member or friend of someone affected by cancer and want to share your story, then we would love to hear from you.

We hope by sharing your experience we can assist others to learn about what made a difference to you, and also present an opportunity to connect them with services of support.  If you do feel comfortable talking about your experiences, we invite you to complete the following questionnaire below. 

We appreciate that some questions may not be relevant to you, so please answer whatever feels comfortable or most appropriate to you and your story.  As we appreciate that sharing your story is a very personal time in your life, we do understand if you would like your identity or those of your loved ones to remain anonymous.  
At the end of the survey, you can either share your name and contact details or you can choose to remain anonymous. 

Thank you and we hope that you are and your whānau are doing well during this very changeable environment.  If you would like to speak with one of the team, we invite you to make contact through
Ph. 03 477 7447 – ask for one of our Supportive Care Staff