Welcome to the Young Professional Speakers Directory!

Question Title

* 1. At SIWI we believe a water wise world can only be achieved when youth have strong voices and representation in decision making. The Young Professional speakers directory has been set up to help World Water Week session convenors raise the voices of youth by including them in speaking panels. 

By participating in the Young Professional speakers directory you are ensuring:

- You are between 16 and 35 years of age on 27 August 30 2021.
- You are available for World Water Week (23- 27August 2021).

- You have completed a Bachelor’s degree in a related area of study or have at least 2 years of experience working with the subject matter.
- You are well versed in the subject matter and feel comfortable speaking at length about the issues.
- You are able to effectively communicate in English, both written and orally.

Registrants must confirm their understanding that the details provided via the submission form will be made publicly available through the Young Professionals speakers directory. Participants have the right to have their details changed or removed at any time by contacting worldwaterweek@siwi.org.  Read the privacy policy here

Participation in the Directory does not guarantee your participation in World Water Week activities, nor does it provide you with registration to World Water Week.

If you have any questions about the directory, please contact worldwaterweek@siwi.org.