What should we know about your home? Please share your comments and ideas!

This survey is designed to identify:
  • what you like and don’t like about Manhattanville
  • existing physical condition of the property
  • your rating of existing services and recommendations for new programs
Results will help guide the plans to renovate, improve property management and add services for residents.

Participation is voluntary.  All information collected is CONFIDENTIAL.


Once you complete the survey, enter for a chance to win one of ten $100 gift cards. (Only those who complete the entire survey, not just one or two questions, are eligible for the raffle.)

Question Title

* 1. How long have you lived in your current building?

Question Title

* 2. Which language do you prefer to use for official communications?

Question Title

* 3. Have you been to any tenant meetings about the PACT process?

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how satisfied are you living in Manhattanville Houses?


Question Title

* 5. Which services listed below are ones you or someone in your household currently use?

  Yes No Does Not Apply
Affordable childcare for infants and toddlers
Affordable childcare for elementary school kids
Afterschool program for school-aged children
Summer camp for school-aged children
Teen programs
Senior Services
Better access to physical health care services
Mental health services
Substance abuse treatment
Home health aide
Pantry/Emergency food
Assistance with Special Education Programing
Assistance with child’s NYC Department of Education applications to Middle School or High School
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
College preparation classes
High School Equivalency (HSE) or General Educational Diploma (GED) preparation classes
Legal services
Workforce development
Assistance with financial support (example: rental assistance, SNAP, unemployment, etc.)
Accessing City Services/Benefits
Managing your finances (classes or counseling)
Tax preparation services

Question Title

* 6. Which services listed below are ones you or someone in your household might use?

  Yes No Does Not Apply
Affordable childcare for infants and toddlers
Affordable childcare for elementary school kids
Afterschool program for school-aged children
Summer camp for school-aged children
Teen programs
Senior Services
Better access to physical health care services
Mental health services
Substance abuse treatment
Home health aide
Pantry/Emergency food
Assistance with Special Education Programing
Assistance with child’s NYC Department of Education applications to Middle School or High School
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
College preparation classes
High School Equivalency (HSE) or General Educational Diploma (GED) preparation classes
Legal services
Workforce development
Assistance with financial support (example: rental assistance, SNAP, unemployment, etc.)
Accessing City Services/Benefits
Managing your finances (classes or counseling)
Tax preparation services

Question Title

* 7. What kinds of programs would you like for you and your neighbors in the future? Choose all that apply:

Question Title

* 8. Was a child in your household ever enrolled or is a child in your household currently enrolled in Citizen’s Care Day Care Center program at Manhattanville (Building 2)?

Question Title

* 9. Were you or someone in your household ever enrolled, or are you or someone in your household currently enrolled in the Presbyterian Senior Services (PSS) program at the Manhattanville Cornerstone Community Center (Building 6)?

Question Title

* 10. Were you or someone in your household ever enrolled, or are you or someone in your household currently enrolled in the Graham Windham afterschool, weekend and/or summer programing at the Manhattanville Cornerstone Community Center (Building 6)?

Question Title

* 11. BEFORE Graham Windham and PSS, did you or someone in your family ever enroll in programs at the Manhattanville Community Center?


Question Title

* 12. What are the top issues/concerns you are experiencing with your apartment? Choose all that apply:

Question Title

* 13. What kind of outdoor spaces would you like to see added or improved on the grounds? Choose all that apply:


Question Title

* 14. Do you have internet in your household? Choose one:

Question Title

* 15. Select all the electronic devices used in your home:

Question Title

* 16. Do you or anyone else in your household have a cell phone that is NOT a smartphone? Choose one:


Question Title

* 17. Which one of the following best describes your current status?

Question Title

* 18. Do you have your own business and/or provide/sell a good or service? Choose one:

Question Title

* 19. Are you interested in new or additional work opportunities? Choose one:

Question Title

* 20. What kind of training are you interested in?  Choose all that apply

Question Title

* 21. Have you participated in the following NYCHA program: Resident Training Academy?

Question Title

* 22. Have you participated in the following NYCHA program: Small Business Pathways?


Question Title

* 23. Do you regularly attend Manhattanville Tenant Association Meetings?

Question Title

* 24. What local organizations, clubs, associations, or houses of worship are you a member of?

Question Title

* 25. What, if any, local community organizations would you recommend or endorse to your neighbors? (For benefits support, financial services, childcare, senior or youth and teen programs, etc.)

Question Title

* 26. Is there anything else you want the Manhattanville Community Partners team to know about what your household or your community needs?

The following questions ask a little more information about you. These questions are optional, but they will help us better plan programming and services.

Question Title

* 27. How old are you?

Question Title

* 28. Please select all the age groups represented in your household:

Question Title

* 29. Have you ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?

Question Title

* 30. Are you the head of the household? Choose one:

Question Title

* 31. Do you or anyone in your household experience a disability or documented health condition that will affect you during construction? Choose all that apply:

Question Title

* 32. Does your household require assistance moving furniture and packing belongings (for example, dishes, pots and pans) to prepare for apartment renovations (which will start after Conversion)?

Question Title

* 33. Do you have an aid or caregiver that comes to your home on a regular basis?

Question Title

* 34. Does anyone in your household require any of the following accommodations? Choose all that apply:


Please provide contact information for tracking survey participation and to enter your name into a drawing to win one of ten $100 gift cards. Your name and unit will not be connected to your answers. Eligible for raffle if whole survey completed (not just a question or two).

Question Title

* 35. Name

Question Title

* 36. Phone Number

Question Title

* 37. Email Address

Question Title

* 38. Your building number/address:

Question Title

* 39. Your unit number: