"EVENTS" at Ian's Studio

I define "EVENTS" as studio events that are opportunities to learn and improve your photography but without a FORMAL training agenda. Typically there will NOT be printed notes.

EVENTS are things like the "Friday Night at the Studio" programme, and full day or half day group shoots.

Question Title

* 1. On a scale of 0 to 5 how interested would you be the following types of EVENTS at Ian's Studio

  0 - No interest 1 - Limited interest 2 3 - Somewhat interested 4 5 - Very interested
Portfolio review/critiques
Table-top photography
Basic Portraiture
Child Portrature
Pet Photography
Photography Challenges
High Street Fashion
Strobist (off camera flash)
Designer/Bespoke Fashion
Commercial/Stock photography themes
Glamour (topless)
Glamour (topless & nude)
Wet look and/or shower shoots
Art Nude
Male Nude
Male Model (Non nude)
Male/Female (Non nude)
Male/Female (Nude)
Girl/Girl (Non Nude)
Girl/Girl (Nude)
Latex and/or fetish outfits
Trash the Dress shoots
Wet and Messy

Question Title

* 2. In the NEXT 12 MONTHS how many of the following EVENTS are you likely to attend?

  None 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-10 11-15 16+
Friday Night at the Studio
FULL Day events on location (eg Trash the Dress, or Photowalk)
HALF Day events on location (eg Trash the Dress, or Photowalk)
FULL Day general Studio group shoots
HALF Day general Studio group shoots
Wet and Messy Days

Question Title

* 3. If you have been to an EVENT at Ian's studio IN THE LAST TWO YEARS do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1:Strongly Disagree 2:Disgaree 3:Neither Agree nor Disagree 4:Agree 5:Strongly Agree N/A
The adverts and eFlyers accurately described the event(s) I attended
Time shooting the subject was evenly distributed between the attendees
I had sufficient time to get the shots I wanted
There is time to be creative with the lighting if I wish to change it
Techniques, lighting setups and settings used at the event are all explained clearly
It is helpful to watch Ian shoot a FEW images at the event

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

Question Title

* 5. OPTIONAL - If you would like to be entered into a draw for £30 worth of vouchers to be used at an EVENT at Ian's Studio please leave your name and email address below. Draw will be made after 9.00am Monday 1st June 2015.