Question Title

* 1. How did you participate in the event?

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* 2. Where do you currently live?

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* 3. How would you describe yourself?

Question Title

* 4. What are you writing? Check all that apply - multiple answers may apply to the same book (ie. - YA and genre fiction).

We are committed to increasing opportunities for underrepresented communities. In order to do that, it is helpful for us - and our funders -- to know who knows about Write Now and who we need to actively seek out. We apologize in advance for any discomfort this causes. Know that we appreciate your feedback with or without this information. 

Question Title

* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. What place of origin best describes your ancestry? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 7. If you are comfortable, please check any and all of the terms that apply. Some terms overlap. Feel free to select "I prefer not to respond". Feel free to add terms that may be missing. This is not an exhaustive list. We appreciate your patience and respect your wish to not disclose as well. 

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* 8. How did you hear about Write Now? Check all that apply.

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* 9. How likely is it that you would recommend Write Now to a friend or colleague?


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* 10. Overall, how would you rate the event?

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* 11. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the event?