1. This error was a particular problem for me when I was…

If a particular category does not match your life, feel free to ignore it. (If at some later time it does, I expect to keep this online… as long as these phenomena can. And, of course, if you can think of better categories for the column headers, please let me know.)

Question Title

1. This chet was a particular problem for me when I was…

  pre-teen teen young adult adult newly married parent of small children parent of grown children divorced widow(er)ed retired very senior
We have erred against You by hardening our hearts.
We have erred against You by speaking perversely.
We have erred against You publicly and privately.
We have erred against You by corrupt speech.
We have erred against You by evil thought.
We have erred against You by insincere confession.
We have erred against You intentionally and unintentionally.
We have erred against You by desecrating your name.
We have erred against You by foolish talk.
We have erred against You knowingly and unknowingly.
We have erred against You by bribery.
We have erred against You by slander.
We have erred against You in eating and drinking.
We have erred against You by false pride.
We have erred against You by wanton glances.
We have erred against You by effrontery.
We have erred against You by perverting justice.
We have erred against You by envy.
We have erred against You by being stubborn
We have erred against You by tale bearing.
We have erred against You by causeless hatred.
We have erred against You by confusion of values.