After You Complete the Art of Invitation Survey

We would like to hear from you!  Hearing from you and others helps us understand your life experience now that you have completed the Art of Invitation. We would like to see if anything has changed for you.   

This is not a test; you can't fail.  This survey is just a look at your relationships after your Art of Invitation experience.  

This survey is anonymous and we will NOT contact you about your input, or sell your information to a third party. 

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience.  
1.I understand what an invitational approach to relationships looks like in my life.
2.I consistently, in all settings, relate to others and myself in positive and mutually satisfying ways.
3.I sense from others that my relationships need some work and I know what to do.
4.I work well and comfortably alongside people who look, think, or act differently than me.
5.I am able to move through strong emotions, unmet human needs, and value differences to improve my relationships.
6.I have a process to experience peace even when my relationships are not as I might want them to be.
7.My relationship with God informs how I relate to others.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered