LeadingAge New York
Housing Professionals Webinar Series
Dates: March 8, 10, 15, 17, 22

Put your brand in front of decision-makers including directors of senior housing, housing managers, facility directors/engineers and service coordinators from within New York and from other states within the LeadingAge family of affiliates.

Question Title

* Contact Information

We have three levels of sponsorship this year. Please see below for what they include.

Sponsor Plus ($1000)
Introduce your company then provide speaker introductions.
→Logo on registration site.
New campaign – Unique Value! One-month virtual ad campaign – choose specific facilities or search word campaigns (2 ads). Includes in-depth analytics post campaign cycle.

Virtual Ad Campaign ($600)
New campaign – Unique Value
→One-month virtual ad campaign – choose specific facilities or search word campaigns (2 ads)
→In-depth analytics post campaign cycle.

Sponsor ($600)
→Logo on registration site.
→Logo/link on all promotional materials.
→Conference attendee list.

Question Title

* Select sponsor level below.

Once this form has been submitted you will be receiving an invoice with a link to make a credit card payment from Eve Wnek. You can also pay by check as well. Please note that this sponsorship will not start until is has been paid in full. If you have any questions on payment please contact Eve Wnek at ewnek@leadingageny.org or 518-867-8383 ext. 155.