Parent Tour Survey

1.How did you find out about our Service and the Tour?
2.What room will your child be in once they are enrolled in the Service?
3.Did the tour cover all areas of the Service that you wanted to see?
4.Please let us know if there was any other information you feel should have been included in the tour about our service or you would still like to know more about
5.What words would you use to describe your perception of our Service now that you have been shown around?
6.After doing the parent tour, will you be  continuing with our Service?
7.Was our Service your first preference?
8.Finally, now that we have shown you around our service, is there anything you have seen, or been told about today, that specifically  has influenced your decision to choose or not to choose our Service?
9.Thankyou for taking the time to complete our questionnaire. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

We may wish to contact you once you have made your decision about our service. If you are happy for us to contact you, please provide your email below