What Was Your Homeschooling Experience?

This survey is an updated version of the survey, “Where Are the Former Homeschoolers Today, and Why?”  I’ve addressed some of the responses that survey takers gave me when I asked what questions they thought mattered (thank you!), removed some questions that seemed to have limited relevance, and added some questions to address new topics and issues that arose.
Even if you already took the other survey, please do take this one, as it deals with some issues that the previous survey did not address.
The survey has 36 questions and will take about 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you for your help.  I wish you the best!
1.How old are you?
2.Are you male, female, or prefer not to answer?
3.When where you homeschooled?  Select all that apply.
4.Are or would you be interested in homeschooling your own children, if any?
5.If you currently homeschool or might someday homeschool your own children, how does or would it look compared to the way your parent(s) homeschooled?  Select all that apply.
6.My parents homeschooled in order to create a positive moral environment.
7.My parents homeschooled in order to protect me from the outside moral environment.
8.My parents homeschooled in order to help me be a high academic achiever.
9.My parents homeschooled in order to surpass academic standards in schools.
10.My parents homeschooled in order to help me become an independent and creative thinker.
11.My parents homeschooled in order to teach to my learning style and interests.
12.My parents homeschooled in order to protect me physically, e.g. from shootings and/or bullying in school.
13.How many siblings did you have?
14.Where were you in the birth order?
15.What religion were you raised in?  Select all that apply.
16.In my upbringing, my parents thought that religion was ...
17.When I was growing up, my family (including at least one parent) attended church ...
18.Outside of church, my family prayed together ...
19.What curriculum did your parents use?  Select all that apply. 
20.Who was the primary educator in your household?
21.Your sole or primary educator parent was …
22.Do you currently practice the religion in which you were raised? 
23.How would you say having been homeschooled affects your current degree of success in life?
24.How would you say having been homeschooled affects your current degree of happiness in life?
25.If you had a positive experience homeschooling, what factor(s) were the biggest contributor(s)?  Select all that apply.
26.If you had a negative experience homeschooling, what factor(s) were the biggest contributor(s)?  Select all that apply.
27.Please choose one of the following options that best describes your homeschooling experience: When I read books like “Educated” or see documentaries like “Shiny Happy People” I find …
28.Do any of the following apply to your family?  Select all that apply.
29.Do any of the following apply to your family?  Select all that apply.
30.Which of the following apply to your family?
31.Regarding your choices in your education and upbringing, please select the answers that apply.
32.Regarding your choices in your education and upbringing, please select the most accurate answer.  My parents gave me ...
33.My parents asked me to babysit or care for siblings or participate in household chores ...
34.Choose the answer which best represents your experience.
35.Please add any additional comments here.
36.If you are willing to be contacted by email for follow up questions, please provide your email here.