UWPC Volunteer Application

1.First and Last Name
3.Contact Number
4.Email Address
5.Emergency Contact (Name, contact number + relation)
6.How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
7.What program are you interested in?
8.What days are you available to volunteer? (Select all that apply)
9.Please share the time of your availability? (Please specify if different days require different times)
10.Do you require any special accommodation in order to volunteer?
11.Are you looking for internship credit?
12.Have you ever been convicted of a crime? (Please note that all Reading Buddies volunteers need to have background checks and be finger printed.)
13.ONLYFOR Reading Buddies- Reference #1 (Name, contact number and email)
14.ONLY FOR Reading BuddiesReference #2 (Name, contact number and email)
15.Is there anything else you'd like us to know?