Sanctifeyed End of Year Sacramental Survey 2024-25

1.What parish do you attend?
2.How are you related to the child who is going through sacramental prep?
3.  Before this sacramental year, how often would you say you and/or your family attended Mass on average?
4.How often do you attend Mass on average now?
5.Did you receive the sacrament of Confession (Reconciliation) anytime during your child’s sacramental prep?
6.Did you attend the Sanctifeyed Retreat?
7.Of the resources given or recommended in your gift bag from the retreat, which ones did you (and/or your spouse) try or use in any way? (Check all that apply)
8.Of the resources given or recommended in your gift bag, which ones do you recommend we give to parents next year? (Check all that apply)
9.Do you plan to continue to be active in receiving the sacraments and being involved in parish life after your child receives Confirmation?
10.Are there any ways that our parish can serve your family better? Please share any comments, concerns, suggestions, or ideas.