Tournament Participant Feedback - CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING - 2022 Question Title * 1. Indicate which parts of the tournament you compete in Junior Competition Senior Competition Both Junior and Senior Team Competition Team Competition Junior Competition Team Competition Senior Competition Team Competition Both Junior and Senior Individual Competition only Individual Competition only Junior Competition Individual Competition only Senior Competition Individual Competition only Both Junior and Senior Team and Individual Competition Team and Individual Competition Junior Competition Team and Individual Competition Senior Competition Team and Individual Competition Both Junior and Senior OK Question Title * 2. Please rate your satisfaction with the following tournament functions. Feel free to add comments. 5 -excellent 4 - good 3 - okay 2 - fair 1 - poor Coaches Meeting Coaches Meeting 5 -excellent Coaches Meeting 4 - good Coaches Meeting 3 - okay Coaches Meeting 2 - fair Coaches Meeting 1 - poor Other (please specify) Opening Ceremonies Opening Ceremonies 5 -excellent Opening Ceremonies 4 - good Opening Ceremonies 3 - okay Opening Ceremonies 2 - fair Opening Ceremonies 1 - poor Other (please specify) Awards Presentation Awards Presentation 5 -excellent Awards Presentation 4 - good Awards Presentation 3 - okay Awards Presentation 2 - fair Awards Presentation 1 - poor Other (please specify) Communication from Convenor Communication from Convenor 5 -excellent Communication from Convenor 4 - good Communication from Convenor 3 - okay Communication from Convenor 2 - fair Communication from Convenor 1 - poor Other (please specify) Facilities Facilities 5 -excellent Facilities 4 - good Facilities 3 - okay Facilities 2 - fair Facilities 1 - poor Other (please specify) Tournament Awards Offered Tournament Awards Offered 5 -excellent Tournament Awards Offered 4 - good Tournament Awards Offered 3 - okay Tournament Awards Offered 2 - fair Tournament Awards Offered 1 - poor Other (please specify) Level of Sportsmanship from participants Level of Sportsmanship from participants 5 -excellent Level of Sportsmanship from participants 4 - good Level of Sportsmanship from participants 3 - okay Level of Sportsmanship from participants 2 - fair Level of Sportsmanship from participants 1 - poor Other (please specify) Competition parity Competition parity 5 -excellent Competition parity 4 - good Competition parity 3 - okay Competition parity 2 - fair Competition parity 1 - poor Other (please specify) Overall Tournament Organization Overall Tournament Organization 5 -excellent Overall Tournament Organization 4 - good Overall Tournament Organization 3 - okay Overall Tournament Organization 2 - fair Overall Tournament Organization 1 - poor Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Was there a banquet or social function scheduled Attended Did not attend Banquet Banquet Attended Banquet Did not attend Social Function Social Function Attended Social Function Did not attend Nothing scheduled Nothing scheduled Attended Nothing scheduled Did not attend OK Question Title * 4. Did the banquet or social function enhance the overall experience for your team Yes No Unsure Did not attend OK Question Title * 5. Were there any other additional products or functions which enhanced the overall experience at this tournament. Please specify in point form. YES NO Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. Were you aware that the tournament you participated in was: YES NO a SSNL Varsity tournament a SSNL Varsity tournament YES a SSNL Varsity tournament NO sponsored by School Milk Foundation sponsored by School Milk Foundation YES sponsored by School Milk Foundation NO sponsored by Keyin sponsored by Keyin YES sponsored by Keyin NO OK Question Title * 7. Please indicate any problems encountered prior to or throughout the tournament. OK Question Title * 8. SSNL is eager to provide the best possible programming for students. Do you have any suggestions which would improve the tournament? OK Question Title * 9. Do you feel that the SSNL Tournament and Technical Standards were followed in this tournament Yes No Sometimes OK Question Title * 10. Please rate your overall experience with the tournament. 0 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 11. If you have any additional comments regarding the tournament you attended, please feel free to share OK DONE