Catholic, Single, and Flourishing (by 8th Day Coaching)

Catholic, Single, and Flourishing: Help Me Help You

I am looking at continuing to expand my offerings to you.  Due to the popularity of CSF podcast, I want to continue to produce content to help Catholic singles live their God-inspired call (vocation) today and pave a path for their Vocation in the future.

As you know, I offer coaching as a more personalized resource for you.  I am also interested in what other resources could be of value for you.

Please take a moment to fill out this survey!
1.So I can get an idea of who listens to my podcast, could I get your age range?(Required.)
2.What other topics related to the Catholic single life would you find helpful for future episodes?(Required.)
3.Who do you know that would be a great podcast guest for helping Catholic singles live their God-inspired calling (vocation) today? Please write their name below and why you think they would be a great guest.(Required.)
4.As we consider expaning our offerings, what future resources would be beneficial for you (especially in overcoming challenges in the Catholic single life)?(Required.)
5.As we consider expanding our offerings, what future resources would you most likely to pay for/invest money into (especially in overcoming challenges in the Catholic single life)?(Required.)
6.Would you be interested in volunteering (about 3 hours per week over 2-3 months) as a Production Assistant in a future season of the podcast? If yes, be sure to leave your name and email in the question below.(Required.)
7.Please leave your first name and email if you would like to receive updates on new tips, products, and services geared toward helping you! (I promise to not try to sell you a car)