Computer Vision Syndrome Smart (CVS-Smart) Questionnaire and Score

Computer Vision Syndrome Smart (CVS-Smart) Questionnaire and Score

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a multifactorial syndrome that is defined by the American Optometric Association (AOA) as a group of eye- and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use. However, the recent updates in the literature included more CVS-symptoms beyond this definition. The CVS visual symptoms are blurred vision, eye strain/fatigue, double vision/diplopia, difficulty in refocusing the eyes, near vision discomfort/difficulty, unclear objects post-screen use, glare/seeing halos of light and feeling diminution of vision. The CVS ocular symptoms dry eyes, eye redness, eye irritation/discomfort, foreign body sensation; burning sensation/stinging sensations, itching/eye rubbing, lacrimation/watery eye, eyelids feel heavy, frequent blinking. The CVS extraocular symptoms are headache, neck and shoulder pain, pain in joints of hands and wrists, sleep disturbances, midnight hunger, depression and tendency to suicide. Most of these symptoms are caused by wrong screen habits known as risk factors or practices which are prolonged screen time, improper lightening conditions, uncomfortable seating postures, uncorrected refractive errors, excessive texting with thumbs, and improper distance from screens, screen glare and small font size.
CVS-Smart questionnaire:
The Computer Vision Syndrome– Smart (CVS-Smart) questionnaire is a novel online ultra-short questionnaire that can definitely diagnose CVS cases without the need of ophthalmic examination. The CVS-Smart is linked to an additional score (CVS-Smart score) that provides the suitable diagnosis and recommendation. CVS-Smart is supported by Iqbal’s anti-CVS protective measures (Iqbal’s instructions) to re-schedule the screen time and style to guard against the potential CVS sequelae. The CVS-Smart included only five questions that were developed from the reliable and valid CVS-F4 questionnaire (Cronbach's Alpha is .832 and validity rate is 93.75%) and the experts’ recommendations.
Please, read and respond carefully to the following 5 questions this refer to the CVS-Smart score to diagnose your case by yourself and discover a friendly guide to manage your case. Both CVS-Smart score and Iqbal’s instructions are linked at the end of this questionnaire. CVS-Smart score of 7-10 score points signifies a positive CVS-case.
Reliability and validity of CVS-Smart questionnaire and score:
CVS-Smart questionnaire has high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient is .860 with a .805 Guttman Split-Half Coefficient) and high validity (perfect Content Validity Index 1 while Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed Comparative Fit Index .986, Tucker Lewis Index .971 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation .078). The Spearman's rho correlation coefficient at a 0.01 significance level revealed strong correlation for all questionnaire items (range .771-.830).
Electronic consent:
Please note that your response to the CVS-Smart is considered as an electronic consent that we could use the resultant data in the scientific research and analysis to improve the CVS-Smart and score. Be sure that there is no personal data required in this questionnaire.
The following data are generally required. No personal data are required in this survey.
3.Occupation: (Required.)
4.Total daily screen-hours (average total hours you use electronic devices every day):(Required.)
The following 5 questions are the CVS-Smart questionnaire. Please read the questions carefully to each question. Based on your responses to the following 5 questions, you can easily self-diagnose your condition according to the CVS-Smart score that will find after the end of the questionnaire. You might find the linked recommendations and instructions helpful to improve your condition.
5.Visual Complaints:

Please read carefully the following 9 visual complaints, and then answer the question:

Blurred vision

Eye strain/fatigue

Double vision/diplopia

Difficulty in refocusing the eyes

Near vision discomfort/difficulty

Unclear objects post-screen use

Glare/seeing halos of light

Feeling diminution of vision

Sensitivity to light

Question 1: Out of these 9 visual complaints; how many complaints you suffer from?
6.Ocular Surface Complaints:

Please read carefully the following 9 ocular surface complaints, and then answer the question:

Dry eyes

Eye redness

Eye irritation/discomfort

Foreign body sensation

Burning sensation/stinging sensation

Itching/eye rubbing

Lacrimation/watery eye

Eyelids feel heavy

Frequent blinking

Question 2: Out of these 9 ocular surface complaints; how many complaints you suffer from?
7.Extraocular Complaints

Please read carefully the following 9 extraocular complaints, and then answer the question:


Neck pain

Shoulder pain

Back pain

Joint pain in fingers and wrists

Inability to hold objects well

Difficulty to write using a pen

Sleep disturbances/ insomnia


Question 3: Out of these 9 extraocular complaints; how many complaints you suffer from?
Question 4: How do you describe the frequency of your complaints?
Question 5: Are your complaints associated with the time of the screen use? (i.e. are your complaints exist during the time of screen use?)
10.Please use the following CVS-Smart score to diagnose your case by yourself and discover Iqbal’s friendly guide instructions to manage your case. If your CVS-Smart score is 7-10 points, then you have been already diagnosed as a CVS-case. Please consult your ophthalmologist and/or optometrist to receive the appropriate treatment. Please consider the CVS-Smart score interpretations, recommendations and instructions.