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Dear General Aviation Visitor:
This survey will be used to help measure the economic benefits of daily general aviation aircraft operations at Louisiana’s airports. Please take a few moments to complete the survey. Thank you for your time.

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* 1. What was your destination airport for this trip?

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* 2. What airport did you begin your trip?

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* 3. Please indicate the number of travelers, including the pilot and crew, in your aircraft for this trip:

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* 4. Please indicate the type of aircraft for this trip:

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* 5. Please indicate the primary purpose of your trip.

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* 6. How long was your visit to this airport/area?

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* 7. Trip expenditures for your group:

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* 8. How many people, including you, accounted for these expenditures?

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* 9. Please share any stories or comments that show how Louisiana's airports provide value for you or your business:

0 of 9 answered